Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18 (Day 26)

Power90 3-4 Cardio (42 minutes) TH200 Abs (6 minutes).

Everytime I think of this workout I almost get turned off and not do it.  Its not because it is so incredibly hard that I can't do it.  It's the Power Yoga segment.  This stupid little 4 minute segment.  I can't stand it.  My dislike for this segment is so strong it almost ruins the other 38 minutes of this routine.  Stupid, right?  Whatever . I did it.  All of it.  Even Power Yoga.  My legs felt a little tired during the high intensity stuff (jumping jacks, running in place, run lunges) but everything else seemed, well.... kind of boring.  I still got a good sweat going.  There were definitely times that my heart & lungs were pumping hard, but certainly wasn't the whole way through the workout.  This could be my last week doing this workout I think. 

TH200 Abs.  Closer.  Definitely closer.  186 reps.  Things I failed on?  Superman's I did 11.  Probably could have done more, but everytime I did a rep I felt like I had to clench my butt so I wouldn't have to go to the bathroom.  Full body crunches I did 15.  Everything else I rocked a full 20 reps on.  Feel really good about that.  Hopefully by the end of the week I can just get the full 200.  I have (2) more opportunities to do it before that time comes.

Other than that, normal morning routine.  I ate a rice cake with PB and had to frigin poop before I worked out.  So annoying to get up @ 4:30 only to not be able to start my workout until 4:55.  Back at it tomorrow.

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