Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20 (Day 28)

Power90 3-4 Cardio (42 minutes) TH200 Abs (6 minutes)

Almost typical workout.  I pushed hard and did a great job (in my opinion).  The downside?  When your stomach says "hey, its time to go potty" in the middle of a damn workout.  UGH.

The cardio portion of the workout is broken in 2 pieces as I see it.  The first half is stretching, power yoga, and just regular cardio.  You get a 30 second break and then you move onto the 2nd half of the workout which is kicking & punching before you do a cool down and stretching.  This morning I was on my last 2 exercises (fast feet, cross hops) for my last set of round 3 before the break.  Then my stomach said WHOA, you are breaking now.  It was a 5 to 10 minute break and then I came back down, finished those last 2 exercises, hand the 30 second water break and then rocked my way through kicking & punching.

I then rocked through the TH200 abs.  I did 20 reps of all 10 exercises for a total of 200 reps.  Thus successfully matching them rep for rep.  Yes, all 200 reps.

My problem with the workout?  The fact my body had that break.  I can't control it.  It said it had to go so I had to go.  I know my body though and I know when I get to that 3rd set of fast feet my calves are on fire.  They hurt.  Its tough to push through them.  This time, I had just had an extended bathroom break and came back and was very fresh to do them.  The pain or discomfort, muscle fatigue - not there.  Cross hops, were cake.  Clearly this also made the 2nd half of the workout easier and quite possibly the following ab workout more successful.  I don't know.  We'll find out on Friday when I do this workout yet again.

Tomorrow Power90 3-4 Strength.  Until then.

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