Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7 (Day 15)

Power90 3-4 Strength: 38 minutes

This morning wasn't bad.  I got 8 hrs of sleep last night and that was a huge help.  I need to be more conscious of how much sleep I'm getting because I feel my body performs better when I've gotten sufficient rest. 

Strength wise I'm really coming along well I think.  I'm doing more and more push ups without having to go to my knees.  There is a point where you have to do "max" pushups.  Now by the time you get to that round (3 or 4), you've already done 60 or so pushups.  So during this time I've only been able to eek out maybe 15 pushups.  Today I did 20, but the last 5 were from my knees.  I feel pretty good about that.  I'm technically only 2 weeks into this, so I know I'll continue to progress and improve.  By the time I'm a month into it I should be able to make it through all exercises without limits and hopefully doing "extra" reps. 

Legs, no issues.  I think I did great with them.  Lunges, no issues.  Lunge/squats - no issues.  Tired at the end of them, but no issues.  3 part squats - did all 36 reps.  Max squats - 25.  No complaints.  The knees felt good and my legs felt good. 

Arms/chest/back - all that continues to come along.  Of course I need to get rid of this belly fat, but you can't possibly expect that to disappear in 2 weeks.  I'm continuing to progress though.  I've got to cut my calorie intake I think.  I'm honestly not sure where I am with it now, but it seems as though if I cut it more, I'll lose more weight. 

I haven't decided what I'm doing next.  Initially I told myself I was only going to do Power90 for 2 weeks and then jump on the P90X train.  I'm not sure I want to do that right now.  Doing P90X after 2 weeks would mean that I'm starting up on Monday.  It's not that I'm not ready or scared or any of that nonsense, I just don't want set backs.  I want to be able to push myself and succeed.  I don't want injuries.  Jumping ahead, with my conditioning the way it is and my weight where it is I fear the worst - injuries and set backs.  Last time I did P90X I had already been working out for months.  I had lost 12 or 13 lbs and weighed in at 191lbs.  Physically I could breeze through Power90 3-4 cardio or strength and felt pretty damn good about myself.  I knew that if I didn't step up and do something like P90X I was going to be bored and fail/stop.  So at that time I was very comfortable moving forward.  I'm just not there yet.  Its an extreme program and although there are success stories of people getting off the couch and doing that and only that (good for them by the way) I'm listening to my body and saying no.  I'm not ready. 

Tomorrow more cardio, so another Power90 3-4 Cardio day. Gotta follow it up with flabs... I mean abs.  Good times... good times.

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