Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4

Power90 3-4 Cardio: 42 minutes.  I did NOT do TH200 abs.

Let me start this post by saying I got sucked back in last night and had (2) beers and some Cool Ranch Doritos.  End result?  My stomach felt like shit this morning.  I had to visit the bathroom after I did a warm up stretch before power yoga.  I visited again immediately after completing the workout (when I was supposed to do abs).  Again before I left for work.  I really really enjoyed the beers.  The Doritos, surprisingly not so much.  Do I think there is a correlation between my food/drink choices and my stomach issues today? Yes I do.  Do I think it is kind of crazy that I've only been on this path for less than 2 weeks and already my body is telling me when I fuck up?  Yes I do.

Not much to report for this.  PowerYoga was actually really good.  I was extremely solid on my planks.  Downward Dogs, Upward Dogs, Chataranga, push ups, lunges. I felt great and strong throughout all of it.  Really strong.  Moving forward to the cardio portion, I was just egh.  I did it.  I pushed through it.  At first my run lunges weren't great.  My left knee was hurting a little bit (feels better now).  The "high impact" cardio (jumping jacks, run lunges, running in place) were tough for me today.  I had to take a couple brief pauses.  Just a couple seconds (2 or 3) but still.  I understand I'm still working my body up and not every workout is going to be my best workout.  I was cognizant of when my body wanted rest and I was also cognizant of when my body wanted to just go through the motions.  When it wanted to do that, is when I made a conscious effort to pick it up a notch.  I was sweating pretty good.  I lost the shirt early too.  Just too hot (body temp wise).

I'm still on the fence about doing the TH200 abs later today.  I'm tired from the weekend and just not getting enough sleep last week.  I've done the ab workout at 7:30PM before and got my body so worked up that I was still up at 11PM.  I need a good night sleep.  I'd love a good 7+ hr sleep night (who wouldn't?).  I'll try for that tonight.  Tomorrow is another strength workout.  An opportunity to do better than I did today and push myself more.

Today is also 12 days in a row without a missed workout.  My goal right now is to hit 21 days straight.  They say that you can make or break a habit in 3 weeks time.  Lets see if I can make a positive one and keep it going.  I'd love to have some comparison pictures/measurements at the end of the first 30 days - but we still haven't done them and I honestly don't see them getting done tonight.  [sigh]

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