Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19 (Day 27)

Power90 3-4 Strength (38 minutes)

OK - so I'm kind of getting bored with this workout too.  Not because it is a bad workout.  It isn't.  It is actually a really good workout.  I feel it in every muscle that we work.  Thighs, glutes, calves, forearms, biceps, chest, back, triceps, shoulders.  You name it, we hit it in this workout.  Surprisingly enough, and I've mentioned this before, this workout really gets my lungs working as well.  Yes, its that good of a workout.  There is no question that I've gotten stronger and more muscular looking (definition) while doing the workout. 

My problem?  I do this workout 3 times a week.  Just like the cardio workout, its every other day of the week.  It gets old.  It really does.  I've been doing these for about a month.  I can't argue with the results.  I have ZERO 30 day measurements done (since that would be done on April 5, since we didn't do measurements until March 5).  I don't know how much weight (if any) that I've lost.  I don't know how many inches (if any) that I've lost on my waist or any other areas.  I know my pants fit substantially better.  That much I can confirm.  My 36" waist jeans are kind of baggy in the crotch.  They are no longer folding over on the top like they used to.  They are VERY baggy in the legs.  My Irish legs didn't stand much of a chance before this.  lol 

I'm going to finish out this week of Power90 and then spend some time on Sunday (after my X Stretch) and think about if I really want to continue on with Power90 or start up on P90X or something else.  I'm not where I had hoped to be strength wise after nearly 30 days.  I was hoping to be doing every exercise for maximum reps (same as they do) before moving on.  I'm not there yet.  Its the reality.  A couple things I have learned in all my years of failure doing this.  1) You aren't going to do it if you aren't excited about it or seeing/believing you are going to get results  2) There simply has to be enough variety in it so you don't get bored.  The workout can be solid, tough and produce results - but if you don't get some variety you aren't going to want to do it.  Monotony is monotony. 

So tomorrow is Cardio/Abs.  We'll push play and go from there.  Try and keep the intensity up and just keep working.  That's all we can do.  Until tomorrow.

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