Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1

Power90 3-4 Cardio (42 minutes) TH200 Abs (6 minutes).  I hate a rice cake with PB on it before the workout.

Where do I start?  Anger.  I got less than 6 hrs sleep again last night.  I didn't fall asleep until after 10 and I was up before 4AM.  Personally - I am not one to have sleep problems.  Any given night I can put my head down and within 5 minutes be asleep.  My body and mind is not one that usually has to settle itself.  Maybe that makes me a fucking simpleton I don't know.  Anyway this was the 2nd straight night I had a really poor night sleep and I want the trend to end.  I'm comfortable saying that the issue is I know when my body is tired.  I know when my body needs rest and I'm not doing myself any favors by staying up beyond that breaking point.  It is my fault because it is my actions (or lack there of).  I'll correct it tonight.  I don't give a shit if it is a Monday night or a Friday night.  I'm married with 2 kids, where the fuck am I going? To BED that's where.  Don't anyone come knocking unless its an emergency or for sex.  Anything else I can't fucking be bothered.

Despite all the anger I had from not sleeping and what not, it didn't translate into a fantastic workout.  Don't get me wrong, my workout was good.  I was strong and I can definitely feel that strength and the workout in more muscles than last week.  However - if you had any idea of how angry I was this morning, well then you, like me - would have expected a bit more focused intensity in that workout.  I had the intensity, but definitely lacked the focus.  That's my issue. 

Hmmm....what else can I document about this workout.  No breaks during it.  Heart and lungs felt really strong.  I was worried about my back because my upper back between the shoulder blades was still really tight and sore from yesterday's workout, but that didn't end up being an issue at all.  Actually it feels a little better now that it is done.  My knees felt pretty good.  I definitely need to keep doing those knee exercises because I can feel the difference.  I'd like to actually increase how many times I do them per day.  Maybe twice a day.  It takes less than 5 minutes and I can do them anywhere at any time so there is no excuse not too.  The difference is truly unbelievable.  The push I can get with my legs now, compared to before I did the exercises is just unreal.  I can walk up the stairs again, without clutching the railing and wincing in pain after each step.  The knee pain is just not something I ever experienced, now I have a glimpse into what my brother Jim lives through in that regard.

One thing that Christie asked me before I started back up and when I told her I was doing Power90 instead of P90X was "Are you going to be bored?".  You've done this workout off an on hundreds of times.  Is it enough to keep your interest?  Fair enough.  I told her, no problem, because I knew it was short term, not long.  I knew I was using this as a stepping stone to get to the program I really wanted, not as the solution for my long term health.  Do I get bored with it?  Yeah, sometimes.  There are things that keep me staring at the screen though and keep me going.  1) The results.  I'm getting them.  Personally I'm mad that we haven't taken pictures and done measurements yet because I feel my body looks much better than it did a week ago, but then again - does it really matter?  I want my body to look 10X better than it does now.  2) The humor.  Tony does try to be funny.  More often than not, he isn't.  One thing that is funny is Lisa.  She is the dancer girl in the back during all these workouts.  She's fit, has a nice tan and her Beachbody sports bra give her some nice cleavage.  After about a half hour, that is nice sweaty cleavage.  I must say though, during the punching sequence I just want to push her out of the fucking way so I can't see her on the screen.  Really Lisa, you think what you are doing are hook/uppercuts?  Really?  I thought you were trying to hug something?  Body blow punches, you call those body blow punches?  It honestly looks like you are jerking 2 guys off at once.  I know, I watch porn.  UGH. 

Anyway - it was a good workout.  Not as focused as it needed to be, but definitely intense and I'm glad I got up and did it, despite my lack of sleep.  Now off to get the kids up and get ready for work.

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