Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27 (Day 35)

Power90 3-4 Cardio (42 minutes) TH200 Abs (6 minutes)

I tried to use the velcro knee brace on my right knee this morning.  I did not feel it provided any support at all.  I had it tight and it was tight up top (thigh side) of my knee.  It wasn't tight on the lower half of my leg.  I didn't like it at all.  I'm going back to the neoprene sleeve as that one worked really well.  It's not a perfect solution, but it does work and I do feel as though my knee has a lot more support when exercising, which is the key right now.

This morning my belly did feel a little bloated.  As it turns out I was gassy.  It's a good thing I workout by myself on my side of the basement.  lol  I think I had a really good workout.  Actually I think I turned a bit of a corner.  I definitely felt really strong throughout the workout.  There were moves that I could really really feel the muscle groups that I'm targeting, actually working.  It was really evident when when I was doing some of the punching exercises I could feel it in my lats.  It felt AWESOME.  My whole body felt strong.  There were no breaks or anything else.  Just straight up work from from the second Tony said GO.  It was good.

TH200 - I did all 200 reps.  I'm definitely getting stronger there.  Its interesting too what "other" muscles you work when doing this ab routine.  I definitely felt some burning in my upper thighs when doing things like "in and outs" and "bicycles".  Either way, it was my strongest AB workout yet.

Tomorrow Power90 3-4 Strength.  Really looking forward to it.

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