Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22 (Day 30)

Power90 3-4 Cardio (42 minutes)

What can I say?  This workout SUCKED.  SUCKED.  SUCKED.  I did have a beer last night with the awful nitrite free, apparent sodium filled, hot dogs.  I stayed up later than I usually do (10PM) and I tried to stay in bed later than I usually do (5:30AM).  I did not get up and eat my rice cake with PB on it.  I also did not feel the need to poop before or during my workout (things that make you go hmmmm). 

Effort, I question if there was any.  Yes I did all the movements they did at the pace that they did, with the exception of side kicks.  Those aren't my strongest exercise to begin with so I do my best, but I usually can't keep pace with them.  I was frigin winded during Power Yoga.  POWER YOGA.  Seriously?  Try breathing when you do that you idiot. 

My right knee really hurts.  Its weird.  My leg is without question stronger, but the knee itself has some pain.  I did not sleep well last night and every time I rolled over and if my right leg was on the bottom I felt I had to drag my leg across the bed.  I didn't like that at all.  I went through this a few weeks ago and thought I was past it, clearly I have to get back to doing my knee exercises.  So, while tossing and turning I tried to sleep on my left side.  My left shoulder has a lot of discomfort as well.  Same injury I've been ignoring.  If I sleep on that side I am guaranteed to wake up in discomfort.  So I roll over to the other side.  Rinse and repeat. 

Lots on my mind this morning.  It was ALL over the place.  EVERYWHERE but my workout.  Doing the routine, thinking about how my knee would do with the jumping jacks, running in place, run lunge sequence.  How is my shoulder going to do with everything else where you seemingly have your arms up for 30 minutes of this damn workout.  Today is a special surprise day for my wife and I have a lot of that on my mind as I want it to be perfect.  Gotta make sure I get the kids off to school, want her to sleep in, still want her to have the opportunity to get in her workout before our fun begins, etc.. etc... etc..  Clearly everywhere but where I needed to be this morning.

I have not done TH200 Abs as of yet.  I may do it later today, I may not.  I need to clear my head for one and get some of this stuff off my plate.  I'll revisit later.

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