Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 9 (Day 17)

Power90 3-4 Strength: 38 minutes

Off to a later start than expected and my left shoulder was sore before I even started.  Thankfully tomorrow is X stretch.  My right wrist was bothering me today as well.  To compensate for that I used push up bars to take the pressure off my wrists.  I did my 20 decline push ups without too much issue, but the regular push ups were definitely tweaking it.  Push up bars helped that a great deal.  On the downside though, I didn't get as many reps as I might normally have done.  On the plus side, I think my form was probably a little better, firmer and I definitely felt it across my pecs. 

Leg stuff I rocked.  I did everything without a concern for my knees at all.  My legs are getting much stronger.  That's a good thing.  My arms and stuff feel really good.  Again, just worked my whole body so it's tired, but over all its good. 

That's all I have for today.  I still have to do a post with my measurements and pictures.  Maybe later today.  Looking forward to doing X Stretch tomorrow though.  MUCH needed.

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